
Our practice center is the net of Indra
Reflecting all Buddhas everywhere.

This page includes links to regional practice centers, mindfulness research, and Thich Nhat Hanh related websites.

Regional Practice Centers (Relative to Redding, CA)
Slowly Ripening Sangha, Chico, CA - Community of Mindful Living
Sky Creek Dharma Center, Chico, CA 
– Home to groups from various Buddhist traditions
Chico Zen Sangha, Chico, CA (Lin Jensen)
The Still Point Center, Chico, CA - Blend of Buddhist and Taoist traditions
Mountain Stream Meditation Center, Grass Valley, CA – Vipassana
Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Center, Sacramento, CA
– Home to groups from various Buddhist traditions
Zephyr Forest Dharma Center, Susanville, CA - Soto Zen
Shasta Abbey, Mt. Shasta, CA 
– Soto Zen Buddhist, Serene Reflection Meditation
We have to learn the art of stopping,
stopping our thinking, our habit energies,
our forgetfulness,
and the strong emotions that rule us.
–- Thich Nhat Hanh